TUN_SD got his HOX back!!!
In the beginning I would like to thank:
AOKP team
pabx for echo fix and other fixes
rogro82 - for fixes
CM team
richardtrip for audio fix
OneX IceCold Team:
LorD ClockaN - don't ask
TUN_SD - themer - pretty as his themes/mods
n3ocort3x - kernel boy - clumsy as his kernels
semdoc - tester - thorough as his line of work (ask him what's his job!!)
icke - main thread helper and tester
Now we can move on...
Latest Stable Release
ONLY FOR ONE X INTERNATIONAL, TEGRA 3 VERSION - I don't want any more bricked devices!!
Download folder: http://goo.gl/804Zg
Actual version: IceColdJelly421 V1.5 - 19-01-2013
What's New
Flash boot.img - no need is you are 1.3.1 boot.img
fixed Camera exposure missmatch
Camera: port additional settings from jellybean 4.1 (Round 2) - CM
- add touch-to-focus timeout duration settings
- add volume button zoom controls to camera and camcorder
(Panorama does not support zooming)
RomControl: NavBarColor - AOKP
SystemUI: fix GPS toggle not changing states properly - AOKP
RC: Add LockClock (Chronus) to the build
RC: Alternate Signal Layout - AOKP
RC: Allow User select Tablet Mode - AOKP
RC: Add back lockscreen wallpaper - AOKP
Development: Added governor and temp info in CPU info overlay - maxwen
new toggle: sound state (ring/vib/silent) - AOKP
Quick Settings: Swipe to switch - AOKP
Phone: implement noise suppression for phone calls - AOKP
Mms: Fix "Previous slideshow preview can't be cleaned" - AOSP master branch
RC: Added Lockscreen targets (hardcoded to 5) - BIG thanks to maxwen for porting this
Settings: Port "Option to control cursor in text fields using volume keys - AOKP
Mms: From now using CM's Mms app source with all it's modifications
RC: Enable longpress on expand challenge handle - AOKP
Settings: wifi: Allow configuration of country code for wifi - CM
What's Broken
everything that is mentioned in TeamNDVRu's thread:
WiFi direct
In call volume adjustment works, but not fully well in Speaker mode
MHL output is rotated incorrectly to portrait in horizontal mode (but workaround added since alpha 8 for hw decoded videos/youtube. Use bsplayer from playstore, almost all videos play with it in correct rotation in hwoverlay)
No FM radio app in ROM. But Spirit FM works (free version)
Probably some more stuff
ROMS should contain everything you need to enjoy JB. You are not required to install any Add Ons, simply download the latest ROM, gapps, flash it, and go!
You are STRONGLY recommended to fully wipe your device before flashing, and if possible avoid restoring system apps and system data with Titanium Backup - these can cause stability issues that are very hard to debug. If you believe you know what you're doing - then fine, go ahead, but please don't complain if you experience strange behavior.
How to flash:
Either follow this BEST flashing tutorial especially made for ICJ by JKURL or follow these short steps:
turn OFF your phone
BACKUP your data using recovery (and SD on first flash just in case)
boot in bootloader
select fastboot mod
flash boot.img via fastboot that is located in the rom.zip: fastboot flash boot boot.img
run this command now: fastboot erase cache
go back to hboot screen
select recovery
full wipe is needed IF you aren't coming from other AOSP 4.2 rom
flash the rom
flash newest gapps (Google applications) from here -they NEED to be flashed after every ROM flash
Instructions and notice taken from pbax's thread:
Android 4.2 significantly changes the way how sdcards are handled internally, due to this we dropped USB Mass storage support. This build does only support MTP!
Also note that the ROM will move your data from /sdcard/ into /sdcard/0 on first boot (0 is the 'home directory' of the default user). If you go back to 4.1.2: Don't forget to move the data in 0/ back to the root of your sdcard.
Going back to 4.1.2
If you go back to your old 4.1 backup: Do not forget to re-flash your 'old' boot.img.
Also note that you'll have to move your migrated data from /sdcard/0/ back to /sdcard/ (CWM doesn't know about /sdcard/0/ yet).
This can be done via (while booted in CWM):
Code:adb shell cd /sdcard/0/ mv * ../ mv .* ../ cd .. rmdir 0
If you have any other question and want more INFO look into F.A.Q. in 3rd post!!!
kernel git
rom git
Changelog for older versions:
Code:IceColdJelly421 V1.4 - 15-01-2013
Flash boot.img
Settings: added CPUInfoService to show online cpus and frequencies
DeviceInfo: Add chipset to supplement cpu display in device info - AOKP
Settings: Volume adjust sound preference - AOKP
RC: LockScreen: Option to hide initial page hints - AOKP
RC: Added fast toggle preference - AOKP
RC: LockScreen: add option to minimize challenge when showing the lockscreen - AOKP
RC: Comment Back Lockscreen Rotation - AOKP
RC: Lockscreen: option to use carousel animation when switching widgets - AOKP
Phone: Fix center layout on manually lowered DPI - AOKP
Camera: more exposure controls, hdr, hox scene modes, 6mp wide pic size
Revert "Patch Set 1/2: Add an "Automatically Connect" option for WiFi networks"
Support for encrypted /data partition. (see this post) - by pbax (not tested, no time)
Added a lot of patches in FWB
Thanks to all the testers and the team for merging and testing while I was gone! IceColdJelly421 V1.3 - 04-01-2013
Flash boot.img
A2DP fixed by pbax
Phone: Port CM Advanced Phone Settings – AOKP
Phone: Increase ring volume option – AOKP
Possible fixed 2g/3g network toggle – CM
Port "Strip Unicode" feature from ICS branch into JB-MR1 – AOKP
Added patches from AOSP master branch to Mms, FWB, Browser
Added ability to answer call with hardware HOME button (Settings/Accessibility) – AOKP
Added statusbar and navbar transparency slider - AOKP
Mms: add new QuickReply buttons Delete & Mark Read - AOKP
Add option to hide AlarmClock Icon in StatusBar – AOKP
Settings: Allow users to disable safe headset volume warning – AOKP
Fixes and updates to FWB, FW_AV, Mms etc...
Mms: added quickmessage popup preference – maxwen ported from CM
Special surprise option added – thanks to maxwen for porting it (testing still needed)
Read V1.3 Secret option tutorial beneath change log. If for any reason 1.3 doesn't work properly, use 1.3_IfInTrouble version
Thanks to core720 for providing Spanish translation for some packages
Stock live wallpapers fixed
Lot's of patches throughout the source
Oh and.... TUN_SD is back :D IceColdJelly421 V1.2 - 28-12-2012
Flash boot.img
Random reboots fixed!!! Wlan reboots fixed!!!
Wlan tether now has working security network mode
Added Hardware keys mapping (Settings/Display) – thanks to maxwen for porting the fwb part
Removed AOKP PerformanceControl from the build
Enabled back LED settings in ROMControl - almost all not working for our device, but they were demanded
Fixed Taking photos while video recording (1080p has some issues) – maxwen
Added MenuUI overflow button – AOKP
Fixed Long Press Back button functionality – maxwen again
Using prebuilt camera lib, not building it from HAL anymore
Added back Powermodule HAL to the build – needs testing
Added Button Notification Light option (Settings/Display)
Interactive set as default governor – don't change it if you love your phone
Used Calculator app repo from CM
Added a bunch of new options to Camera from CM (lost 2 days to get it working)
updated kernel with BT drivers to 3.1.10 ; integrate some tegra references patches for BT
Added CPU boosting modifications from CM
Fixed some bugs under the hood - AOKP and CM
Battery should be improved in this version, expect 2h of screen ON while browsing for sure!
This rom still isn't where I want it to be - will start to add more options to the rom soon IceColdJelly421 V1.1 - 23-12-2012
Flash boot.img!!
Fixed BT (A2DP still has some issues) - thanks to rogro82 and pbax
Fixed WLAN tethering - thanks to rogro82
Merged all new stuff from AOKP till now (check ROMControl for new stuff)
Add an "Automatically Connect" option for WiFi networks (Settings) - CM
Button backlight is now always ON while screen is ON until better soltion is found that follows light sensor - rogro82 and pbax
Add National data roaming and make it optional (for those who need it)
Hide Adb Notification icon option - CM
Added more LCD backlight values to try to smoother the light change transition
Increased WLAN scan interval from 100 to 240 seconds
Updated Emal app with patches from CM and AOSP master branch
And a lot more under the hood
Battery still isn't at the 4.1 base level... IceColdJelly421 V1.0b - 17-12-2012
Initial release
Not all AOKP 4.1.2 features has been yet ported/merged to 4.2.1 base
All hboot ready
I named it beta until at least wlan tether is fixed
Expect the unexpected
Video review by Flow-Wolf:
Tutorial by n3ocort3x
That's all folks!!
FAQ - by Braindamage1989
Bluetooth issues:
Most of the bluetooth stuff works on ICJ42 1.2, but still not everything. Like Audio 2 Bluetooth is coming soon!
Minor functions issues:
This ROM just rolled out of a long period of beta testing. But some things could still not working (ie. "Holding back to kill"). Please if you encounter such a issues, please report it nicely at this thread so ICJ team could fix them (if they want, hahaha).
Hard reboots on boot & WiFi toggle:
Fixed on ICJ42 1.2!! Sometimes the (version before ICJ42 1.2) 4.2.1 ROM does a hard reboot on boot. Ignore it and let it boot again. If crash again do the same. At 3 or 4 time it should boot normal. This section also applies on the WiFi toggle reboot.
SD Card issues due to /sdcard/0/
Still coming soon, with a script. If you want to go back to 4.1.x read OP.
Recovery Issues:
There are some issues with Android 4.2.x and older recoveries. This is because the way the SD card works has changed. Make sure you use a recovery that works with 4.2.x
GPU Rendering "issue":
Lord somehow forgot to turn on forced GPU rendering by default. This could lead to some graphical issues and sometime slower framerates. To turn it on go to: "Settings" -> "Developer Options" -> "Force GPU Rendering"
Theme issues:
Some people are having issues while changing their theme. A known solution is switch back to system theme (and set back original DPI if you have DPI issues), do a reboot and then try to apply the theme you want again (and if you have DPI issue you can now change it back). It's also nice to notice that ICJ has his own official theme thread located here.
Radio (2G/3G) and WiFi issues:
On ICJ with the stock kernel everything works. If you somehow have issues with data connections it most time comes from 3rd party apps/mods (not stock kernels, RIL change, radio change). If you encounter such issues try to use a fresh (full wipe) install with everything stock. If it works now, you have problems with 3rd party apps/mods.
GPS issues:
As in the previous version there were issues with GPS which were related to hboot. This version should work on ALL hboots. If it doesn't, first see if the GPS icon appears in the notification bar. If it doesn't, there is a great chance that you flashed a custom kernel and didn't flashed the right modules (or a kernel with a broken GPS) or that your GPS is broke. If you do have the icon appearing in the notification bar and still have issues try this:
Download app called GPSfix from market
Go to a place were you normally wouldn't have any problems with fixing location
Start the app and click start fixing
If your GPS isn't broke you should get 1 or more satellite icons in your screen after a minute or 2
Let it run and see if it gets a fix now
If you locations has been found, it will give you a message
Now try again with any other app, it should be working now
You may need to redo all steps after a reboot
ADB issues:
Sometimes for no reason ADB stops to work. This could have many reasons. First of all check if it is enabled at dev options. If it doesn't work after that it's mostly the shortest way to uninstall and reinstall the Android SDK. In some cases downgrades (older SDK) could work to. More detailed coming soon.
Battery issues:
If you are experiencing battery drains you could use BetterBatteryStats to what apps are causing this. At the section "Alarms" of BetterBatteryStats you can see what apps are causing wakelocks. Common tips to extend battery life are:
Disable locations services
Turn off/delete Google Now
Delete Performance Control app from AOKP
Longer/higher auto-sync values
Watch out for 3rd party apps/widgets draining
How to flash:
Turn OFF your phone
Boot in bootloader
Select "fastboot"
Flash boot.img via fastboot that is located in the rom.zip: "fastboot flash boot boot.img"
Run this command now: "fastboot erase cache"
Go back to hboot screen
Select "recovery"
Full wipe is recommended if coming from sense, if coming from other AOSP roms than not
Flash the rom
Flash these gapps (Google applications - 20121212) -they NEED to be flashed after every ROM flash
Changing radios & getRIL:
For some reasons you may want to change your radio or RIL, but this is not recommend as most users get more issues instead of less by changing RILs or radios. But if you want to take a shot, go read on. For changing the RIL sibor has made a great tool called getRIL. Somehow the newest getRIL doesn't get well with ICJ. But version 0.9.4b works perfect. To change the radio (or better baseband) you only need to overwrite one single file. The file is located at system/etc and it's called "QUO_6260.fls.clean". I don't gonna explain how you overwrite the file, if you don't know it yourself you shouldn't change your radio.
Changing governor and cpufreq:
For changing governor and cpufreq it's not (yet) recommended to use Performance Control. There are some reports of issues with this. Instead of Performance Control you could use one of the following apps. (No-frills CPU Control or SetCPU)
Public betas:
Some times the ICJ team releases a public beta. It's a public beta for a reason, it needs to be tested by more persons then the regular team. As a beta most time contains new functions or improvements, there is a chance stuff doesn't work (good). If you really want to be helpful then give details of what you have done, like:
Did you do full wipe?
Are you at stock kernel?
Did you use any 3rd party apps?
And if you have the time, provide a logcat
And most important of all don't scream it doesn't work without providing extra details, you better don't say anything at all. If Lord Clockan asked us for testing something please also report that it works if it does. This will speed up things a bit to.
Overlay script (install system apps and scripts on ROM install):
Overlay script is removed (due bugs) on lastest 4.2.1 builds.
Lockscreen Widgets:
One of the finest upgrades (in my opinion) is lockscreen widgets. AOKP does also have the option to add standard widgets to the lockscreen instead of lockscreen widgets. To enable this go to "Settings" -> "Rom Control" -> "Lockscreen" -> "Allow all widgets". But be warned most widget are not designed to be on locksreen, and could lead into a malfuctioning phone.
3-dot button:
You can enable back the 3-dot button here: "Settings" -> "Rom Control" -> "General UI" -> "Show menu UI overflow". Be sure to be atleast at version ICJ42 1.2 to use this function.
Change bootanimation if option in Rom Control doesn't work:
The bootanimation of this rom is located at /media/bootanimation.zip. You can simply change it by overwrite before you flash the rom. Altough do make sure you have a bootanimation with the right resolution.
Changing DPI - Play Store Issues (Multi DPI Play Store):
This ROM doesn't have the option to change the DPI. But there is a way to change it. Add this "ro.sf.lcd_density=[value]" line to your build.prop (for lazy gals and guys). If you change the DPI of your phone some apps won't show up in Play Store. For this issue there is a multi DPI Play Store. You can find them here and here. In case you want to know what a "Inverted Play Store" is, this is a Play Store with the opposites colors (white = black, black = white). Also keep in mind that Google can autoupdate your Play Store, then you need to reflash a NEWER version of the multi DPI mod. Also make sure you flash multi DPI Play Store after you flashed GAPPS.
Google Apps:
Some modded GAPPS can cause issues. The best way to prevent weird behavior is to make sure only GAPPS get flashed, by looking into the zip file or use the GAPPS given here
Inverted Gapps:
TUN_SD doesn't have a working One X anymore, so he can't maintain his inverted apps. Flashing the lastest version will result in missing the dailer from the app drawer. To fix this, use a 3rd party dialer. There is also a option of getting inverted apps by using some darker themes. One of them is Black Exodus. This will turn MOST of the Gapps in black.
MORE INFO AT: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2052610
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