First post: this post
Second post: AOKP JB Development and downloads
Third post: Paranoid Android JB Development and downloads
Fourth post: CodeName Android JB
Fifth post: Slim Bean
AOKP Build 2 - 23/03/12
AOKP Feature list:
Android 4.1.1
Superuser & Busybox preinstalled
180 Degree rotation
Built in performance/init.d configuration (Thanks Kejar & company)
Custom Power Menu
Brightness slider in navigation bar.
Custom color for anything in RC
Custom Clock Color/Location: Right, Center, Disable
Battery Icon/ Color Picker: CircleMod, Bar, Text Only, Icon Only, Icon+Text or None
Battery Bar in Status Bar or Nav Bar, Bar Thickness, Charging animation
Nav Bar Transparency
Nav Bar Button Reorder: Back-Home-Search-Menu
Nav Bar Color Picker
Nav Bar Button Glow Duration: Off, Fast, Slow
Nav Bar: Long press to Search button
Nav Bar Hide on Lockscreen
Toggles in Pull Down Menu: Auto rotate, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, Aiplane mode, Vibrate, Silent, Sync, Data, 4G, Tethering, Torch, Brightness
'Traditional' toggle layout (where the toggle are on the very top) -- find in RC > Statusbar General > Layout
LCD Density (Careful with this)
Menu Button location: Right, Left, both, Remove
Menu Button Visability: Always show, Always show Invisible Icons
Lockscreen Style: Stock, Quad, Octo, ol' gingerbread
Lockscreen Wallpaper
Lockscreen color changer
Lockscreen calendar
Lockscreen SMS customizable shortcut (with icons)
Lockscreen Horizontal Option
Performance Menu: (Use With Caution) Max/ Min CPU, Scaling Governor
Unlock Sceen with Legacy Menu Icon
Volume Key to Wake Screen
Volume Key to Skip Tracks
Long-press back button to kill process
Disable CRT off animation
LED pulse settings (time on/off)
ICS ringtones/notification sounds
Customize carrier text to whatever.
Power Menu options: Boot to recovery/ Boot loader, Reboot, Screenshot
Facebook contact sync integration (must wipe to get this)
Disable Boot animation
Keyboard: Volume keys act as a cursor while typing -- disable in keyboard options
Long press home for recent apps (thanks brucekey)
Quick torch (enable in ROMControl, long press power when phone turned off. See the magic.)
Fast charge toggle for maguro/toro for kernels that support it
Weatherpanel in notification drawer
Weather on lockscreen
AOKP JB Build 1: Download!
AOKP JB Build 1 Patch 1: Download!
NOTE: Don't use honeycomb lockscreen, it's not optimized for ldpi/mdpi screens.
Thanks to:
- Marcellusbe!
- Arakmar!
- Apollo5801!
- DharamManiar!
- ICSforG3!
- All other people that contributed to the g3!
Features :
* Based off of Clean Android 4.1.1 Rev4 (JRO03L)
* T-mobile Theme Manager (tmobile, CyanogenMod, xoomdev)
* Trebuchet Custom Launcher (CyanogenMod)
* Ability to set custom ringtone delay (in phone settings - Netboy)
* Framework: added support for caller name display (kenshin)
* Framework: ability to set custom carrier label (Netboy)
* Framework: re-enabled "Screen Candy" (Android Screensavers)
* Framework: ability to sync Facebook contacts (romanbb)
* Browser: option open tab in incognito mode (Arham Jamal)
* Browser: option to close all other tabs (Arham Jamal)
* Browser: unhid the user agent settings
* DeskClock: added settings to do nothing/snooze/dismiss and alarm by flipping the device (maurodec)
* Keyboard: ability to use the volume buttons to move the cursor (romanbb)
* Settings: ADB over Network (enable TCP/IP debugging over Network interfaces (WiFi, Usb networks)
* Settings: Option to change the devices hostname
* Settings: Hardware info in about phone (romanbb)
* Bluetooth: AVRCP (adding new metadata when playing music over bluetooth - Trey Brigg)
* Customizable Messaging App:
- SMS Templates (rciovati)
- Custom Vibrations (mssmison)
- Timestamp Options (aravance)
* Customizable Phone App:
- T9 Dialer/Landscape/Dialpad Settings (CyanogenMod)
- End call to Home (qnhoang81)
* Customizable Power Menu (codenamedroid)
* Customizable Status Bar: (Miui, CyanogenMod, romanbb, sethyx, kejar, syaoran12 ,romanbb, Stevespear426, Kyle Teague)
- Notification counter
- Battery Icon style
- Battery Icon in notification bar
- Miui style battery bar
- Clock style
- Customizable Clock Color
- Clock Am/Pm style
- Clock Day of the Week
* Customizable Notification bar:
- Notification bar Power Widget (Cvcps, DvTonder – CyanogenMod)
* Customizable Navigation Bar: (Zaphod-Beeblebrox, KhasMek, romanbb, akellar)
- Customizable navigation button and button glow color
- Menu button visibility and location
- Number of navigation buttons
- Order of navigation buttons
- Navigation bar size
- Navigation bar transparency
* Customizable Lockscreen:
- Option to disable vibration on the lockscreen (StevenHarper)
- Customizable number of lockscreen targets (CyanogenMod)
- Configurable lockscreen wallpaper (Danesh M)
- Option to always show lockscreen battery (Blunden)
- Add weather to the lockscreen (DvTonder, Danesh M, Marius Volkhart, Rick C, Aokp)
- Add calendar reminders to the lockscreen (David Morgan)
- Lockscreen before secure unlock (Danesh M)
- Ability to unlock with menu (CyanogenMod)
- Quick pin unlock (unlock with pin/password without pressing ok – CyanogenMod)
* Customizable Sound Settings:
- Customizable volume panel (Stevespear426)
- Configurable ascending ringtone (Danny Baumann)
- Safe headset volume (CyanogenMod)
- Volume rocker music controls (CyanogenMod)
* Customizable Display Settings: (CyanogenMod)
- Customizable Rotation Modes
- Optional landscape lockscreen on phones (Interface -> Display -> Rotation - Kelly Craft)
- Customizable LED Pulse (Duration and Color)
- Volume wake (tap either the up or down volume key to wake your phone from sleep)
- Volume music controls (long press volume buttons to skip tracks)
* Custom Profiles: (CyanogenMod)
- Assign different profiles to change the behavior of your phone to your liking
* Quiet Hours: (CyanogenMod)
- The ability to set when notification sounds, haptic feedback, vibration and notification light will function
* Performance Settings:
- Start-up tweaks (kejar, Jrummy)
- Processor Speed (change cpu governor and clock speed)
- Voltage controls (kejar, Jrummy)
- Kernel controls (kejar, Jrummy)
* Developer Options:
- Developer tools
- Device information
- Ability to change LCD Density (DPI)
- Ability to change Dalvick cache heapsize
- Ability to change WiFi scan interval (saves battery)
ODIN: Download!
If you come into any trouble after installing the rom, like random force closes or things like that. Flash this in cwm recovery.
Slim Gapps are included!
40 MB Free in /system
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